As the week went on the bite became a line.
And the line moved along my thumb to the back of my hand.
Almost like there was a worm in my hand.
ACK!!! That’s gross!

It looked like a Mountain Pine Beetle under my skin. Which is bad.
By the end of the week the worm wiggled to and fro blazing a 4-inch line. Where There Is No Doctor had nothing to say about lines under the skin that itched and progressed.
Brendan’s travel book said I might have a dog or cat hookworm, but no worries, the worm can’t live in people, and would die eventually and fall out of my hand.

You may think I’d be freaking out, that I would be losing it. But when you get to the point where you have a worm in your hand and you’ve just cut your dog’s testicle out with a razorblade and the termites are taking over your house along with the mold, this is just another thing to deal with.
On Tuesday I went to the Med Unit and got formally diagnosed with a hookworm. I have a hookworm killing paste to apply twice a day until the track on my hand is gone.
In the meantime I get to show people my worm. (If you feel sorry for me, send me some lovin' through the mail!)
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