My gelly (bush taxi) ride took 10 hrs; it never goes well when the gelly repeatedly breaks down and has to stop so the vehicle can rest. But I eventually made it back to my village and was warmly greeted and had not been quickly forgotten as I feared.
My momentum was temporarily halted by a quick trip to Basse the next day, but on the plus side I got a sweet Barak Obama t-shirt and some fake hair. (That sounds absurd. Sometimes I wish I was making these things up!)
During the next few days I was inspired, pumped up, ready to go, bringing the advantages of training and the sharing vast catalogue of Peace Corps knowledge with everyone I met. The main point is, Fatou and I planted trees!
Using my composted soil that has been slowly transforming since January, I filled 54 re-claimed bags to use as polypots. Polypots are the ‘pots’ used to start the seedlings before they are ‘out planted’ into the wide world after several months growth.

24 hrs later Fatou and I planted almost 70 seeds and watered them. Now just wait for the magic to happen. The next day nothing had sprouted and a quelled my disappointment with the knowledge that the AgFo Manual says they won’t sprout for 10-15 days. Apparently my seeds are not unusual in that aspect.

I’ll have to be patient and let nature take its course.
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