Thursday, May 14, 2009

These Things Happen… Part 2: Preparations

The skill center was a flurry of excitement.
Cleaning, painting, and organizing! Everything must be perfect for the president’s visit! The Skill Center should look its best and showcase all the hard work the village does there. Examples from the Women’s Literacy Classes were written on the chalkboard. New tie-dye was made especially for the president. Two kinds of soap and lotion were prepared. Ices and water were chilled and frozen in the solar powered fridge. The Mobile Charging Room was organized. And the ‘crown jewel’ of the center, the looms were set with bright threads and women assigned to weave as the president was touring the center.
Elsewhere in the village, the school children busily cleaned the school grounds and made Gambian flags to wave. The road was improved for the presidents’ motorcade, weeds removed and trees trimmed.
My village was looking sharp!
I spent an afternoon assisting several of the men making a Welcome! banner to hang over the skill center. We carefully centered the hand-cut stencils, and painted the letters bright green.
His Excellency
Mariama Jammeh
Multi Purpose Center
Hella Kunda

We waited hours on the roadside for the convoy to pass on its way to Basse. We would be entertaining the president on his return to the capital.
The school children sat in a line waving handmade flags and waiting. As the time dragged on and the convoy had not arrived, I decided to try and share some American Culture with the village.
-Ok, when I run past you stand up. Then you sit down.
A simple request, I even managed it in Mandinka.
As I ran down the row of kids, some stood; some tried to follow, but most just looked at me with a confused expression. The women on the other side of the road laughed.
-Ok, let’s try this again. When I run past, you stand up, raise your arms, and then sit down right away.
By the time the motorcade began to drive by, we had figured out the fundamentals of The Wave. It will take refining, but I feel I’ve shared a valuable piece of American Culture with The Gambia.
As the motorcade drove by for the next ½ hour, dozens of cars representing every branch of the government, NGO’s and the military preceded the President. Finally the black stretch Hummers passed and packages of biscuits flew through the air. As the Hummers carrying Jammeh continued to Basse, Hella Kunda life returned to normal, but the anticipation of his return was in the air.

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